Narratives for a new tomorrow

Business Narrative Transformation

Tell the story that sets you apart like no other

The purpose of business is to solve problems and scale impact. But as markets evolve, businesses can get stuck while innovating to keep up. Solutions meant to address one problem can create new challenges: products lose fit, messaging becomes overly complicated, and customers fail to see how your solution connects to their needs. In a competitive market with short attention spans and rampant digital ADHD, complexity confuses—and a confused mind never buys.

If people don’t understand what you do or what it does for them, growth stalls. In today’s market, your story needs to cut through the noise like a silver bullet. But brand story models focus on the company, not the customer.

Standing apart in a crowded market means understanding what your customers want and need—and framing your solution as something entirely new. It’s not just about being better; it’s about defining a whole new category where you are the only choice.

Brand stories do not create category opportunities. Business narratives do.

Business Narrative Transformation redesigns your story to put you at the center of change for your customers, elevating your solution to the gold standard. As the leader, you’ll unlock net-new growth opportunities, freeing you to innovate and transform the market like no other.

Stories that create opportunities

  1. Go-to-market

    Introduce your category innovation to the market

  2. Repositioning

    Pivot your business to reach a new audience or opportunity

  3. Funding

    Raise capital or increase funding, donations, and valuations

  4. Funnels

    Attract your audience and create demand


Christopher LaFranchi - CEO, OneReef

Christopher LaFranchi
Founder & CEO

Paulo quickly grasped the essence of OneReef, our model, and our dedication to serving ocean communities. Then he translated that understanding into the vision document we need going forward–with vibrance, clarity, and emotional connection.

Nigel Cullington - VP of Marketing | Sales Effectiveness

Nigel Cullington
VP of Marketing | Sales Effectiveness
Upland Altify

I’ve had the privilege to work with Paulo over the last few years including a huge project to develop, build, and launch the new category of Customer Revenue Optimization (CRO).
Paulo is far greater than a designer, a content architect, and a category maker, he is simply an invaluable part of our extended revenue team and how we drive value for our customers and our company!

Own Your Own Truth - 20 minutes with Bronwyn Appearance
Own Your Own Truth: 20 Minutes with Bronwyn Guest Appearance

In 2019, the world faced the onset of COVID, leading to a wave of shutdowns that left countless businesses struggling. For professional communications coach Bronwyn, it meant rethinking her entire business as speaking engagements came to a halt. Together, Bronwyn and I defined a new communications category: authentic communication. Instead of focusing on polishing performances, […]

Lead With Purpose: Money You Should Ask Podcast Appearance

Bob Wheeler, CPA and author of The Money Nerve, had a scheduled appearance on the Doctor Phil show. It was an optimal opportunity to drive show traffic to the Money Nerve website. The only problem was the audience needed a reason to go there. Bob had a money nerve quiz, the beginnings of an online […]

Create The Change You Were Made To Create
Narrative Design Template

Start transforming your business narrative with this FREE presentation template. COMING SOON